segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2006

PROGRAMA DE 22/05/06

1 - U-Clic - Unfashionautic superstars
2 - Tatsumaki - Silicone veine
3 - In(Perfection) - Closure
4 - Loto - Back to discos
5 - Plaza - In fiction
6 - Mercado negro - Leoa tigresa
7 - Sloppy Joe - O calor
8 - X-Wife - One too close to a milion
9 - Dr. Zilch - The ultimate social aberration
10 - Civic - Mindscrable
11 - New Connection - Window dummies
12 - Split - Raging wings
13 - Dollar Llama- Defense
14 - Blind Charge - Down (the way)

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