sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011


The go-between

I just got a call from her saying she needed a ride
She’s likely to suffer with this all, but what could I reply?
It may or it may not happen, the odds are the same
So chance might as likely return her reproach or acclaim

It’s a ride in the dark to the grey lair of what may come
And she fairly expects me to fight first and then succumb
To the maze of allusions and questions she carefully aligned
Since she came to trust me and trusts I know better his kind.

It’ll take her a while to acknowledge my dodging her doubts
And it may take a while to appease my will to freely speak out
But she’s facing whatever fate holds and there’s beauty in that
And the moment wisely calls for just plain harmless chat

So I lead the talk to things I sense are neuter and comely
To the time and the nature of this tricky task before me
And I spurn my early attempts at a weak “cheer up” ploy
She doesn’t just now need no gaiety or effin’ joy.

Esta é a letra do single de apresentação do novo álbum de Old Jerusalem.
Use-a para acompanhar a audição.

Álbum a 19 de Setembro 2011

Old Jerusalem - The Go-between by pad-online

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