quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2024

PROGRAMA DE 05/06/24

1 – Peter Suede - Downtown drugs
2 – The Pages – 1, 2, 3, i love you
3 – The Act-Ups – Baldie (the bulldog)
4 – The Brooms – Vampira
5 - Bruto & The Rock'n'Roll Apostles – City of light
6 – The Legendary Tigerman - Ghost rider
7 – Us The Bear – Farewell kiss
8 – Mazgani – The sweetest song

9 – The June Carries – Day’s diferente
10 – Lado Azul – Maré
11 – Velho Homem - Rebanho
12 – The Joy Of Nature – Alice, is there a way out of this dream?
13 – Orlando Cohen – Deep within
14 – Ricardo Vignini e O Gajo - Corrosão 
15 - Club Makumba - Maragato

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