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01. ARYA - Aveiro Hard Rock
02. OUTER SKIN - Funchal, Madeira Heavy Metal
03. EYEBLAST - Barcelos Alternative Rock Metal
04. DEVIL IN ME - Lisboa Hardcore
05. MISS LAVA - Lisboa Stoner Heavy Rock
06. CUSTOM CIRCUS - Lisboa Cabaret Rock Show
07. ALBERT FISH - Lisboa Punk Rock
08. NOCTÍVAGUS - Almada Post-Punk Gothic Rock
09. DARK WINGS SYNDROME - Guimarães Prog Rock Metal
10. PRIMAL - Viseu Metal, No Bass
11. GRIMLET - Figueira da Foz Progressive Death Metal
12. REVOLUTION WITHIN - Sta. Maria da Feira, S. João da Madeira Thrash Metal
13. OBLIQUE RAIN - Porto Melancholic Dark Progressive Metal
14. IN PECCATVM - Ponta Delgada, Açores Gothic Doom Metal
15. ECHOES OF THE FALLEN MESSIAH - Leiria Melodic Death Black Metal
16. CRYPTOR MORBIOUS FAMILY - Grândola Industrial Metal
17. GROG - Lisboa Brutal Death Metal Grindcore
Ilustração da autoria de Pedro Albuquerque [ http://www.pedroalbuquerque.eu/ ]
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160 bandasartistas portugueses:
Afterdeath, Albert Fish, Alkateya, Angriff, Anomally, Anti-Clockwise, Arya, Assacínicos, Assassinner, Assemblent, AtlantheA, Azagatel, Banshee And Something Else We Can't Remember, Barafunda Total, [Before The Rain], Bizarra Locomotiva, Blacksunrise, BudHi, Bulldozer, Burning Sunset, Canker, Capitão Fantasma, Casablanca, CineMuerte, Colisão Frontal, Concealment, Cryptor Morbious Family, Custom Circus, Damien's Trail Of Blood, Dark Wings Syndrome, DawnRider, Dead Meat, Decayed, Decreto 77, DeepSkin, Defying Control, Devil In Me, Diesel-Humm!, Dinosaur, Divine Lust, Downthroat, Dr. Salazar, Dr. Zilch, Drakkar, Echidna, Echoes Of The Fallen Messiah, EnChanTya, Epping Forest, Ervas Daninhas, Ethereal, Extreme Unction, Eyeblast, Factory Of Dreams, Fantasy Opus, [F.E.V.E.R.], Filii Nigrantium Infernalium, ForGodsFake, Forgotten Suns, For The Glory, Gargula, Gazua, GOD, Grimlet, Grog, Guernica Havoc, Gwydion, Headstone, Heavenly Bride, Heavenwood, Ho-Chi-Minh, Holocausto Canibal, Hyubris, If Lucy Fell, In Peccatvm, In Solitude, Irae, Konad Moska, Last Hope, Lost Fane, Lotus Porcus, Malevolence, MaNtRa Projekt, Mata-Ratos, Men Eater, Millennium, Mindfeeder, Miss Lava, Morbid Death, Mourning Lenore, Namek, Neonírico, New Mecanica, Noctívagus, Oblique Rain, Obscenus, Ode Odium, One Hundred Steps, Opus Draconis, Outer Skin, Painstruck, Painted Black, Phil Mendrix, Pitch Black, Primal, Prison Flag, Process Of Guilt, Profusions, Project Creation, Prophecy Of Death, Qwentin, R12, Raw Decimating Brutality, Rebellion, Rejects United, Reltih, Reptile, Revolution Within, Rolls Rockers, Sacred Sin, Sanctus Nosferatu, Scar For Life, Sean Rose, Secrecy, Shadowsphere, Simbiose, Skypho, Smiles 'N' Cries, Switchtense, Tantra, Tara Perdida, Teia, ThanatoSchizO, The Allstar Project, The Fire, The Firstborn, The Godiva, The Last Of Them, The No-Counts Doctrine Of Mayhem, The Other Side, The Ransack, The Sorcerer, The SymphOnyx, Thee Orakle, Theriomorphic, Timeless, TwentyInchBurial, Unbridled, Under Fetid Corpses, Underneath, Urban Tales, Vertigo Steps, Vittrah, Waste Disposal Machine, Waterland, We Are The Damned, We Were Wolves, Web, WinterMoon, WitchBreed, X-Cons
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