quarta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2023

PROGRAMA DE 23/08/23

1 - The Pages - God save the president
2 - Democrash - (I could be on) television
3 - The Twist Connection - Sure
4 -The Dowsers Society - Before i'm done
5 - The Dust - Insomnia
6 - Ray. - City cowboys
7 - Lulu Blind - Atirar-te ao ar
8 - 13 & O Clube 666 - Fantasmas do passado
9 - DW Void - Hope
10 - So Dead - Charcoal heart
11 - Cariño Muerto - Fragiles costumbres
12 - Necro - Surviving pessimism
13 - Floating Ashes - Tomorrow always near
14 - IAMTHESHADOW - The wilde starlight
15 - God Next Door - Withe bright star
16 - Desolate Man - The mistake

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