quinta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2004

13 FADOS - 2003

Os 109 temas que estiveram na tabela 13 FADOS em 2003, ordenados pelos mais votados.


1 32 9 Song # 1 Jaguar
2 25 5 Esquecimento Mesa
3 17 7 Mímica sísmica Mesa
4 17 3 Carta de amor Mundo Complexo
5 21 3 Magic tree The Unplayable Sofa Guitar
6 19 1 The 80's David Fonseca
7 15 4 Esquece tudo o que te disse Azembla's Quartet
8 17 2 Mr. Freddy The Fingertrips
9 12 3 The time when anything is possible More República Masónica
10 14 0 Six little monsters Sloppy Joe
11 12 0 Careless whisper In Her Space
12 12 2 Sedução Sam the Kid
13 8 5 Acordar Rádio Macau
14 12 1 A meu favor Balla
15 19 0 Summer beat Norton
16 9 2 A Alla polacca
17 13 0 Feal no fear Zedisaneonlight
18 12 0 Cada homem Bizarra Locomotiva
19 10 0 Amputated leg Stowaways
20 12 0 Talento clandestino Dealema / Marta Ren
21 17 0 Always do Old Jerusalem
22 8 3 You owe us blood Blind Zero
23 9 0 Amour le coquin! Simpletone
24 12 0 Sente o calor D-Mars / Melo D / Carla M
25 9 0 Spy eyes Submarine
26 7 1 Sempre mais Rádio Macau
27 12 0 Brightned star Alla Polacca
28 8 0 Tragic queen Houdini Blues
29 10 0 Ventos animais (ao vivo) Mão Morta
30 7 0 Luv song Three and a Quarter
31 6 0 Boogie list Stowaways
32 8 0 Divagadora Mesa
33 7 0 Diva Mola Dudle
34 7 0 Red thing called love Loopless
35 11 0 Cover sleeve Coldfinger
36 6 0 Bunnyranch Bunnyranch
37 4 0 Is this april? Old Jerusalem
38 7 0 The down set is tonight Blind Zero / Jorge palma
39 6 0 Outta'yer Bildmeister
40 4 0 High on you Grace
41 6 0 Que Deus te dê o dobro de tudo o que nos desejares Stealing Orchestra
42 7 0 Toxic Blind Zero
43 3 1 Isto anda tudo ligado Sérgio Godinho / Da weasel / Gabriel o Pensador
44 5 0 Sounds like eternal Loosers
45 3 0 Fuck christmas, i got the blues The Legendary Tiger Man
46 6 0 River bullet D3ô
47 7 0 J. Butterfly Mourah
48 6 0 Prémio nobel Fuse
49 7 0 Like no other Moo_vees
50 5 0 The last journey Ballerina
51 3 0 I only stop to start again Bildmeister
52 6 0 Everything invaded Moonspell
53 6 0 Biltre Repórter Estrábico
54 8 0 I miss ya Fonzie
55 4 0 Cold as ice Secrecy
56 4 0 Good feeling Loto
57 5 0 Soundtrack A jigsaw
58 2 0 Carta Toranja
59 2 0 Atak aéreo #4 Fatimah X
60 4 0 Socializar por aí Mind da Gap
61 3 0 Asylum song Kafka
62 4 0 Só posso ser eu Ace
63 4 0 Demons in cars In Her Space
64 3 0 Naked blues The Legendary Tiger Man
65 4 0 Prague connection Bulllet
66 3 0 Perfilados de medo Linha da Frente
67 2 0 Out of sight Bildmeister
68 4 0 Kindian Primitive Reason
69 2 0 Girls The Legendary Tiger Man
70 2 0 Believe
71 2 0 Segnis Hyubris
72 2 0 A polka do amor Fat Freddy
73 2 0 Cold mind Noctívagus
74 2 0 Ventos animais Mão Morta
75 1 0 Segment 3 Desintegração
76 3 0 Momento Pedro Abrunhosa / Bandemónio
77 4 0 Sunset sound Pun_kins
78 1 0 Sigh In Her Space
79 1 0 Candy from the skies Electric Lady Land
80 2 0 Prazer Fidbek
81 3 0 Are you ready Blasted Mechanism
82 3 0 Giulia Ballerina
83 3 0 Cairo's bazar Bulllet
84 3 0 Blister in the sun Blunder
85 7 0 Frenesim de canibalismo ritual Fat Freddy
86 1 0 Out tonight Ez Special
87 1 0 Balada em open Ovo
88 2 0 Quero ser o teu Volkswagen Balla
89 2 0 Late at night Plasticine
90 3 0 Sauselito 1pm The Legendary Tiger Man
91 2 0 Anthology Ghoak
92 1 0 Stroll Old Jerusalem
93 1 0 Guilt The Fingertrips
94 1 0 Rhymeshit que abala Chullage
95 2 0 Eno X-Wife
96 2 0 I will change the world Silky
97 1 0 Rockin' rio X-Wife
98 1 0 Theme #4 Renderfly
99 1 0 Blue lady Jass
100 1 0 Me, myself and i The Gift
101 1 0 A vida num só dia Rádio Macau
102 1 0 Sierra madre Raindogs
103 2 0 Mudemos de assunto Sérgio Godinho / Jorge Palma
104 2 0 Não pode ser! Gazua
105 1 0 Play it fast Zen
106 1 0 Wave Loopooloo
107 2 0 The end Submarine
108 1 0 Say (what you wanna) Anger
109 1 0 Driving with your fingers crossed Bypass

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